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From mother to mother

I am Maud and I am a HypnoBirthing® mom and Certified Educator in Singapore. HypnoBirthing has changed my vision of birth and empowered me through my pregnancy as a mother and as a woman.

Founder of Bliss in birth Maud

When I found out I was pregnant in 2021, I was excited but part of me was scared. Scared of giving birth. I had heard all sorts of terrible stories from friends, acquaintances and even my own mother. I didn't really address those fears until my 5th month of pregnancy and then I realised I couldn't go to the hospital to give birth thinking I would not make it back (yes, I was THAT scared).

I just Googled "relax and pregnancy" and found out about the HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method. I bought the book, read it cover to cover and it stroke me that I could actually have a relaxed, calm and joyful birth. I took the classes and loved it (thank you, Amélie for being such a great educator). I had never imagined giving birth without epidural, and there I was, planning a water birth.


And I did it. In January 2022, I gave birth to a healthy baby after a smooth and fairly quick labor. It was the most intense physical effort I had ever done. Don't be mistaken, I had my doubts at some point too. But I was relaxed all the way and I certainly chose the way I gave birth to my daughter.


There is no good or bad way to give birth. But there is your way. The issue is that we don't know our way because of all the noise and negativity around us. Reconnecting with yourself, your body and your baby will help you make the right choices for you. They for sure will be different from your bestie, neighbour or mom because we are all different.

I created Bliss In Birth so that it is the go-to source for all of your needs through pregnancy preparation. My private classes are designed to help pregnant parents have a calm, confident and blissful birth and most importantly, the birth of their choice.

As a HypnoBirthing® mom myself, I can personally attest to the wonders of the original Marie Mongan method. My goal is to provide parents-to-be with the education, support and tools they need to have the birth experience they desire. I am excited to be part of your journey and guide you into your very own birth experience.

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Affiliation Seal from HypnoBirthing

Featured in Mindful Parent Magazine
Issue #2

  • Applied Childbirth Physiology and Pelvic Floor Health Intensive Training - Centred Space

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