Here are the most common that arise. Should you have any other questions, please drop me a message through the contact form or on Whatsapp, or book a call with me. I'll do my best to answer promptly.

Who is HypnoBirthing for?
All expectant parents! It's a wonderful tool for relaxation, well-being, learning, and connecting with the baby! The Mom is accompanied by the Dad or chosen Birth Companion during the classes.
What are the advantages of HypnoBirthing?
Parents are the protagonists of birth
When a decision is made, it's informed by the abundant information provided during the sessions
HypnoBirthing reduces fears and tensions
HypnoBirthing mothers generally give birth physiologically with fewer chemical anesthetics
HypnoBirthing reduces medical interventions and episiotomies
Labor is shorter
The bond between Mom, baby, and Dad (or Birth Companion) is very strong
Dads know what to do during birth
HypnoBirthing reduces the incidence of postpartum depression
Babies are much calmer and more easily establish sleep and feeding patterns
What is the difference between HypnoBirthing and other chilbirth preparation methods?
HypnoBirthing is a re-empowering method. It is based on the fact that your body is designed to give birth. Thanks to the education underlying the program you will get to know yourself better, overcome fears and work with your own body and baby on the day you give birth. The relaxed state in which HypnoBirthing moms find themselves when giving birth allows them to experience a more comfortable and often shorter labor. You will understand the medical terms and be able to make your own decisions about them. Less medical interventions (unless necessary) also means a cheaper bill.
When should I start the course?
You can start from the beginning of your pregnancy and practise throughout the months. But it is really up to you, some parents like to start the preparation really early whereas others need more time. Anyhow, from the 20th week up until 30th week of pregnancy is optimal for most people. If you discover HypnoBirthing late in your pregnancy know that it is not too late. We can work on a schedule together for you to enjoy the benefits of the method.
How many sessions are there in the course?
There are 5 HypnoBirthing sessions. Each session takes about 2.5 hours. Ideally, sessions are spaced a week apart. It's important to have a few days between sessions to absorb, discuss among yourselves, and integrate each session.
How much are the fees?
In person private course : S$880 for the 5 sessions at your place so you avoid traveling
Online private course : S$720 for the 5 sessions via video call
If you would like to do the course with other pregnant friends, please contact me for group classes.
What's included in the services?
The fees indicated on the website include:
the 5 HypnoBirthing sessions of about 2.5 hrs each
the "HypnoBirthing®, The Mongan Method" book
a handbook
audio files to practice your relaxation
I also offer a follow up call after the end of the course and before birth and one after birth
What will I learn ?
How your body is naturally designed to conceive, nourish, and give birth to your baby easily and comfortably.
How to succeed in giving birth more easily, safely, and comfortably.
Why pain isn't necessarily an inevitable part of labor?
How deep relaxation techniques can help you eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome.
How to increase the secretion of endorphins, a natural anesthetic of your body, and oxytocin, the two essential hormones for the smooth progress of childbirth.
How you and your birth partner can create a calm, serene, and joyful environment.
What are the natural techniques to facilitate labor and give birth smoothly without the violence of forced pushing.
Is the presence of the birth companion necessary?
Yes. The presence of the bith companion of your choice is desired. These HypnoBirthing sessions will be a truly special time for expectant parents and their baby. One of the many advantages of this method is that it will help your birth companion to know what to do to support you in the best way.
The Mongan Method is based on this support provided by the partner during pregnancy and birth. But again, it is up to you how you want to plan your birth, we can also work around a different schedule for the birth companion.
Will I remember the birth if I'm under hypnosis?
Absolutely. In reality, hypnosis is a state of full consciousness. It's even said that there's no hypnosis, but only self-hypnosis. It's a natural state of deep relaxation. It also allows access to the subconscious, therefore it is possible to replace negative thoughts by positive ones, for example, but never against one's will. That being said, whether you have a HypnoBirthing® or not there is an amnesiac state at some point during the birth and many mothers have blurred memories. It doesn't make it less an unforgettable moment.
Is it true I will not feel any pain?
The HypnoBirthing is not a guarantee of a pain-free childbirth. But this approach allows you to work with your body instead of being in fear of the pain you might experience. This will allow you to be more relax and therefore experience no or less pain. Childbirth is a very personal experience from women to women and even from one birth to another for the same woman. Some HypnoBirthing moms describe tightening, pressure or intense sensation.
Can I still have an epidural during childbirth?
You totally can. HypnoBirthing helps with natural and physiological births because it will reduce the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrom. But a mother who wants an epidural can absolutely request one. Generally, HypnoBirthing helps delay the use of an epidural, if wanted. This course is not meant for you to absolutely have a natural birth, it is meant for you to be in control and make your own choices of birth once having more knowledge about your yourself and your baby.
Should I continue follow-up with midwives, gynecologists, or other medical professionals?
Yes, it's essential to continue with medical pregnancy follow-up. HypnoBirthing helps parents prepare emotionally for birth but cannot replace medical supervision in any way. We are here to work hand in hand with midwives, gynecologists, and other medical staff.
Are Jessica Alba and Kate Middleton HypnoBirthing moms?
Yes, she is. And Jessica Alba would make an amazing HypnoBirthing educator as she spoke highly about her experience in The Ellen de Generes Show. Other famous moms like Kate Middleton, Angelina Jolie, Miranda Kerr, Gisele Bundchen or Pamela Anderson reportedly also used HypnoBirthing method.